Apply for Membership

How to Become a Member of IFHRA…

Membership in IFHRA is open to the one national racing school / academy from any country which is effectively in control of or is in a position to effectively be in control of the Horse Racing Academies in that country.

Membership is also open to any country that may not have a formal racing academy or a school but that does have an educational program for Jockeys and Horse Racing Professionals. And, in the case of countries that have more than one recognized racing academy serving as a member of IFHRA, the academy that applied first will be the academy representing the country at IFHRA General Assembly with voting privileges for that country. All other academies from the same country will have access to the General Assembly but will not have the right to vote unless otherwise agreed by the Majority (50+1) of the academies from that country.

To apply for membership to IFHRA, the below linked Application for Membership must be completed and sent to the IFHRA General Secretary. If the application is properly completed and signed, it will then be taken under consideration and be voted upon by the entire IFHRA Board at the next regularly scheduled General Assembly.

Once accepted by the other members, a new IFHRA Member country will be required to pay an Annual Membership Subscription Fee of 200 Euros annually.

For more detailed information on IFHRA Membership, please refer to the IFHRA Statutes Chapter II; Articles 5-8.